Having a happy customer is a goal for every business, but in some cases, such goals can be more challenging to achieve than we would like. Sometimes customers complain, spreading their negative thoughts through social media, eventually giving you a hard time.
Sometimes getting negative feedback is inevitable, but we can control it through sustained effort by creating a great experience for customers. In order to improve, we must measure Customer Satisfaction, to understand how happy customers are with our product or service.
To have some stats about your customer satisfaction, companies must track the full flow, starting from customer acquisition which includes their onboarding sessions and training, buying process itself, as well as their opinion about your product. These stats are gathered from different times from the full chain. For example, you may score 50 percent of positive feedback right away (buying process), then 70 percent after the integration of your solution (implementation process), and 40 percent when they will need help from time to time during the software usage (customer support process). By separating these flows, you will have a more vivid vision, where and how your customer needs more attention.
Customer Onboarding
The term used to describe the entire process that user is going through when they buy your product or service is called Customer Onboarding. Itconsists of multiple steps, which include training, implementation, and support.

Customer Training
Customer training is one of the most important parts, especially if you are in the software business. Without proper explanation, users will have a hard time understanding your platform. That is why it is important to schedule and design training sessions, otherwise, you risk losing your lead. In such case one of the most popular tool is Zoom Meetings for scheduling video trainings with screensharing. You can check out more info on https://zoom.us/
Implementation Process
This is a critical process and it should be done as smoothly as possible. Having trouble in this process will be a direct sign of your incompetence. You must be prepared for difficulties and respond promptly, otherwise positive feedback will decline, and you may risk losing their trust, causing them to churn.
Customer Support Process
Even though you have acquired a customer and integrated your solutions, still, one major task is left unfinished – the support process. Your product has been bought and the customer started using it, but the last part will decide your destiny with this customer, whether it will be a 1-month partnership? 6 months? or maybe 1 year and beyond. To succeed in this process, you must proactively communicate with your customer, prepare weekly or monthly surveys to get their feedback about how well your solution is performing, what features it lacks, and are they worth improving. “Devil is in Details” so always check your feedback and give it thorough thought.

To offer more satisfying experiences, you need the right customer engagement platform. Request a demo to find out more, how Livecaller can boost positive feedback from your customers.